Whistleblowing: instructions for reports
ATELIER STIMAMIGLIO SRL has adopted the following channels through which you can submit a report:
– Portal reachable at: https://atelierstimamiglio.whistleblowing.qhub.it/#/
– Voice recording (on a registered message/voice mail box) by connecting to the
Portal, which will be encrypted to make the voice unrecognizable;
– Direct meeting (on request) with the reporting manager of FAIV – FEDERAZIONE ARTIGIANI IMPRENDITORI VICENTINI that is Eng. Marco Zanchin at Confartigianato Vicenza headquarters, located in Via E. Fermi 134 – 36100 Vicenza (VI). The request for a direct meeting can be forwarded through the platform itself or by calling the number 0444 362300 during office hours.
The whistleblower is informed of the reception of the report and the results of the investigations carried out in this regard.
The instructions to use the Portal as well as the Privacy Policy relating to the processing of personal data can be found directly by connecting to the address mentioned above or clicking the following link.
The whistleblower is informed of the reception of the report and the results of the investigations carried out in this regard.