Supervisory Body
Since 2019, the Company has adopted its own organizational model in compliance with Legislative Decree 231/2001. This law regulates the administrative responsibility of legal persons, companies and associations, including those without legal status, and has introduced into the legal system the administrative liability of institutions for some corporate crimes against the public administration, and the aspects of hygiene and health protection at work are also included.
In order to implement this, a Supervisory Body was also appointed. This has a member who is external to the Company with proven experience in the field. This Body meets several times during the year and has adopted an internal Disciplinary System in addition to the Code of Ethics.
The staff has been provided with all the neccessary, appropriate information and channels have been created (message box and dedicated e-mail address) so that all interested parties can make and receive reports on these matters.
The MO231 / 2001 has been completed and integrated into the Quality Management System UNI EN ISO 9001, which is presently being implemented, while the actual certification process will be completed in the first half of 2020. A project has also been set up for the training of personnel on the topics of sustainability in line with the most recent criteria set by the European Union. The sustainability project, with its multi-year objectives, will be published shortly.
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